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When we came home we thought our fighting was done,
But tragically we found it had only just begun.
Rashes and flashbacks and sweats in the night,
With fits of violent rages and partners in fright.

The beaurocrats and politicians in castles so high,
Would not admit a thing, just told  lie after lie.
I believe Fred Hollows, to Jean Williams once said,
"Jean, they just want the buggers all dead"

They want us to all die and go quietly away,
So for their sins against us they wont have to pay.
To the DVA with our illnesses and troubles we'd go,
But, surprise surprise, they just didn't want to know.

You're ok soldier, go away, stop putting on an act,
Your problems we don't care about and that is a fact.
We were hit with chemicals, orange, blue and white,
Spawned by greedy beaurocrats on a dark hellish night.

Now even though more than thirty years have passed
We still fight for recognition, I hope we can last.
There are many of us slowly dying or prematurely gone,
A legacy of politician's lies that just keep on.

Those of us still left must keep up the fight,
Maintain our aim and keep the mission in sight.  
If we were to give up now it would be a disgrace,
And our mates now gone, we could never face.

So we'll keep on fighting though the end is not near,
And someday, one day maybe, we can live without fear.
That our soldiers of the future will not have to face,
The stigma of always fighting for their rightful place.

In honour of Jean R Williams with heartfelt thanks for her
tireless efforts in exposing the lies and coverups about
the chemicals used during the Vietnam conflict and for all
the help she has given to Vietnam Vets.

ŠLee O'Neill 15 October 1999